Written by Vadm Uvar
Sunday, 23 January 2011 |
Page 1 of 3 Security / Tactical TACTICAL/SECURITY OFFICE This multi-room department is located in a Restricted area on deck 9. Within it are the entrances to the Brig holding cells, the torpedo/probe magazine, the weapon control room and to the Ship's Armory, as well as the Chief Tactical Officer's office.
The CTO's office is decorated to the officer's preference. It contains a work area, a personal viewscreen, a computer display, and a replicator.
Brig: Located on deck 17, the brig is a restricted access area and under constant guard. The Excelsior class has 8 double occupancy cells, which contain beds, a retractable table and chairs, a water dispenser, and a toilet. The cells are secured with a level 10 forcefield emitter built into each doorway. A smaller set of secondary holding cells are located on deck 9.
Ship's Armory: This room is located in a restricted area on deck 9 and is under constant guard. The room is sealed with a level 10 forcefield and can only be accessed by personnel with Alpha 3 security clearance. Inside the armory is a work area for maintenance and repair of phasers as well as multiple sealed weapon lockers. The starship carries enough type-I and type-II phasers to arm the entire crew. Type-III phaser rifle and the new compression phaser rifles are available as well, but only in enough numbers to arm approximately 1/3 of the crew. Heavy ordinance is available in limited numbers.
Torpedo/Probe Magazine: This restricted area is for storing unarmed photon torpedoes, quantum torpedoes (if the mission dictates), and science probes I - VI (VII - X if mission dictates). Also stored here are the components for manufacturing new photon torpedoes as well as the equipment to put it all together. This room is also accessed by the loading mechanism for the torpedo launchers.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 23 January 2011 )