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General Orders Print
Written by Vadm. Uvar   
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Article Index
General Orders
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General Order 15
No officer of flag rank shall travel into a potentially hazardous area without suitable armed escort.

General Order 16
Starfleet personnel may extend technological, medical, or other scientific assistance to a member of a previously unrecognized sentient species only if such assistance in no way compromises the Prime Directive or the security of the Federation or Starfleet.

General Order 17
Starfleet vessel captains are to consider the lives of their crew members as sacred. In any potentially hostile situation, the captain will place the lives of his crew above the fate of his ship.

General Order 18
"Upon being accused of treason against the Federation, Starfleet personnel may demand a trial conducted by the Federation judiciary". If the individual is acquitted, Starfleet Command shall have no further legal recourse against the accused in said matter.

General Order 19
Except in times of declared emergency, Starfleet personnel may under no circumstances convey personnel or material between planets or planetary systems when there is reason to believe that said personnel or material may be used to conduct aggression. This order applies to independent worlds within the Federation as well as to Federation members.

General Order 20
Officers and personnel of Starfleet Command may employ whatever means necessary to prevent the possession, transportation, sale, or commercial exchange of senti ent beings held against their wishes within the boundaries of Federation space.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 23 January 2011 )
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Check out our open positions!.

Do you think you can write better then the writers from Startrek and you would like to let us read it. Then join up and become a character on the USS London. 

  Do you want to play a character but not want to have the responsibilties of a department head or an starfleet officer, then join up as a CREWMAN... so you can play poker or visit the holodeck without filing reports. If you want a position which is not on the manifest, then check with the CO, we can always create it.  So check out our manifest.

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