USS London
Welcome to the USS London NCC 24304-A
Written by Vadm. Uvar   
Friday, 13 April 2012

Space, the final frontier..

These are the voyages of the USS London NCC 24304-A, Sovereign class, dedicated to protect the innocents and the universe. 


The curiosity and passion of's what drives us and spurs us all.  To explore, discover and experience the new and's why we are here.  Sir Francis Drake, Ferdinand Magellan, Lewis & Clark...we wonder in awe at their adventures and heroic spirit. But in the annals of Starfleet, one figure, his crew and his ship stood out as a shining example of what it meant to explore, to seek out new worlds and new civilizations...

The London has been exploring space for 9 distinguished years.  Will there be more for them to explore?  The answer is YES!!


Come join the USS London and her rew in their exploits across the vastness of you have what it takes?

Please direct any questions to Adm This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

We invite you to access our site by using the navigational menu to the left.



Last Updated ( Friday, 29 March 2013 )
Current Mission
Written by Vadm Uvar   
Tuesday, 01 January 2013

Current Mission

M30: Quantum Sliders


Giving the crew time to relax and visit friends and relatives, the USS London is now despatched on a regular exploration mission near the Galactic Core. Long range sensor picked up a distress call from a newly found uninhabited planet called Jericho Prime. 

For months Starfleet HQ determined this M-class planet as a great means to expand their borders. Preparation of sending colonists is well on their way.

But who or what sent out the distress call??

Join us and find out.


Junior crewmembers wanted.. would you like to write and not have the burden of a department head then join as a crewmember, yeoman or even civilian.

Started: January 1, 2013 - Ended....&

Last Updated ( Friday, 29 March 2013 )

Check out our open positions!.

Do you think you can write better then the writers from Startrek and you would like to let us read it. Then join up and become a character on the USS London. 

  Do you want to play a character but not want to have the responsibilties of a department head or an starfleet officer, then join up as a CREWMAN... so you can play poker or visit the holodeck without filing reports. If you want a position which is not on the manifest, then check with the CO, we can always create it.  So check out our manifest.

Join in and have fun!!!

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